Top notch competency to lead Carroll County Government
I have longstanding roots in central New Hampshire and care about it deeply. My ancestors first settled in Moultonborough back in the 1700's and I've had family in Sandwich since then. My wife Nancy of over forty years and I have three children and four grandchildren. Family and community are most important to us.
I graduated from Macalester College with a BA degree in Business and Economics and worked for twenty years in corporate accounting and financial management earning an MBA at Northeastern along the way. After going back to school again to earn a computer science certificate from NHTI in Concord I changed careers to computer programming and database support. For nearly twenty years I worked as a database administrator for the State of New Hampshire serving the Department of Education. About ten years ago I started a family business which has been very successful.
Over the years I have supported and served for numerous non-profit organizations including the Sandwich Historical Society, Kairos Prison Ministry, homeless organizations Family Promise and Concord Coalition to End Homelessness. I'm very active in my church. I support environmental, educational and political causes and organizations.